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Tower of Doom Ring of Continual Light

Tower of Doom Title.png

Tower of Doom is a Flash game developed by Louissi, which revolves around defending a giant demonic tower from incoming enemies long enough to conjure a spell that will destroy the kingdom.

Controls [ ]

  • Mouse: Click to interact with game menus

Gameplay [ ]

Tower of Doom consists of several levels in which you must ensure that your tower, which is positioned in the middle of the screen, stays standing in the face of enemy waves until the time runs out. To do this, you must use the money you earn from killing enemies to add extra layers to your tower that are outfitted with various types of turrets. To add layers to your tower, simply click on the "Go Down to the Tower" button and the game will essentially pause while you select your layers to build and upgrade.

These layers, once installed, will automatically attack enemies as they approach, but it's up to you to keep adding more layers and upgrading the ones you have as the battle rages on and more powerful enemies enter the equation.

The Tower, outfitted with lots of upgrades

Levels [ ]

  1. Aragoth: A tiny island isolated from the mainland and protected only by the weakest defenses. Serves as the game's tutorial level.
  2. Narnijah: A bigger island that's closer to the mainland and has slightly better defenses, but is still a weak territory.
  3. Futland: A city located at the south end of the mainland kingdom, protected by formidable soldiers.
  4. Telaroth: A city further up north in the kingdom, guarded by even stronger soldiers on horseback.
  5. Beldar: A bigger city situated at the far east side of the kingdom, located close enough to the capital to get access to the king's most elite horseback knights.
  6. Centori: A very large city just south of the capital, protected by a very strong resistance backed by soldiers and the almighty catapults.
  7. Lion Peak: The capital of the kingdom, where the king lives. Boasts an extra-strong resistance comprised of numerous soldiers and catapults.
  8. Infiniland: An island to the east of the kingdom where there is no time limit, and the goal is simply to survive as long as you can as increasingly powerful waves of enemies endlessly come at you.

Turrets [ ]

  • Arrow Turret: Cheap turret that fires arrows at enemies. Is good for early-game battles, but isn't very effective in the long run without backup from other turret types.
  • Fire Turret: Expensive but powerful turret that shoots fireballs which deal heavy damage.
  • Magic Turret: Shoots magic orbs that bounce across several enemies, making it great for taking out ranged units and large groups of enemies.
  • Ice Turret: Shoots ice bolts that deal low damage but slow enemies down; the ice bolts also bounce across several enemies after the Ice Turret has been upgraded enough.

Enemies [ ]

  • Farmer: Weak enemy that attacks with a pitchfork. First appears in Level 1.
  • Soldier: Lightly armored enemy that has more health than a Farmer and attacks with a spear. First appears in Level 1.
  • Archer: Lightly armored enemy that shoots arrows at your tower from a distance. First appears in Level 1.
  • Armored Soldier: Heavily armored enemy that attacks with a sword. Moves slower but has more health than a Soldier, and takes less damage from Arrow Turrets. First appears in Level 2.
  • Royal Soldier: Very heavily armored enemy that attacks with a longer spear. Moves even slower but has more health than an Armored Soldier, and takes less damage from Arrow Turrets. First appears in Level 3.
  • Knight: A fast, powerful enemy that rides on horseback and attacks with a lance. First appears in Level 4.
  • Royal Knight: A more powerful version of the Knight that attacks with a bigger lance and has more health. First appears in Level 5.
  • Catapult: A big war machine that moves slowly but hurls stones at your tower from a distance and has very high health. First appears in Level 6.
